If you're curious I went 2-2 and won 2 boosters more of that in a moment, however, this blog is about Commander not limited and so I thought I'd share my thoughts with you regarding some of the cards I opened and how I think I will, or will not as the case may be, use them in one of my existing or in a planned Commander deck.
Let's start with the big one, Dragonlord Silumgar:
That's right I chose Silumgar! Why? Because I read this last channelfireball.com/articles/the-complete-guide-to-the-dragons-of-tarkir-prerelease/
So when I opened my feeder pack I was more than chuffed to be presented with the Dragonlord. He would probably have been contender for my Nekusa deck, however, I traded him away as I didn't really need him. What did I get for him? Mirari's Wake.
I've been after this for my Ghave, Guru of Spores deck so I'm happy and he is happy. It might be argued I could have traded for more but I don't think so the Promo Dragonlords will soon flood the market and I doubt will retail much about the non foil version. I'm also not the kind of Commander player that has to have every card in foil either.
Next up I pulled two more dragons; Swift Warkite and Pristine Skywise
This is a little like my words coming back to haunt me. For EDH purposes I'm not impressed with either of these. The Warkite is limited bomb especially at uncommon. I'm not so sure about the Skywise in any format. It's rare and a 6/4 flyer is not to be sniffed at in limited but for Commander it just does too little for it's CMC. Have a look at my comments about Cunning Breezedancer they're exactly the same for this dragon as they are for that one.
Speaking of limited bombs I pulled one Zurgo Bellstriker:
Definitely a limited bomb, probably a standard bomb, might even see play in Modern but of no use to anyone in a Commander deck.
I did draw a better red card, and the second of the three mythics I pulled of packs today is Shaman of the Great Hunt:
I can see this getting used in an commander deck. There aren't many GRU Legends but the one that comes to mind immediately is Surrack Dragonclaw:
Highly unsophisticated I admit. However, uncounterable creatures that trample, keep getting bigger and the ability to draw more cards, which if you read this you'll know I rate highly, makes me think I might try something with these colours at some point.
I also pulled a white rare in the form of Secure the Wastes:
There's a Warrior tribal sub-theme running throughout the Tarkir block but I can't see this translating into a Commander deck and there are better one-shot token generators available to Commander deck pilots even if this is an instant.
Next up we the card I'm most undecided about, Hedonists' Trove:
Get someone in the right colours, obviously black would be a bonus and I can see the is playing nicely. More especially with a certain amount of Mill to back it up. I can see my trying it out in my Nekusa deck but not sure what I would replace for it.
The third and finaly of my mythic rare cards I pulled from one of my prize boosters and it's the most usable, for me, of all the cards I pulled; Risen Executioner
I have a Thraximundar Zombie Tribal deck I like to call Clone of the Zombies. I think the fact that it is a Zombie Lord alone is enough for it to be included. I would add though that's Graveyard recursion ability is a bit steeply costed.
Finally I pulled an Assault Formation.
This card screams one thing to me; Doran the Siege Tower
The main bonus of the Formation is that it enables defenders to attack. Just a couple of cards I'd like to put in that deck would be Autochthon Wurm and Tree of Redemption:
So there you have it, as always when opening packs there's a bit of a mixed bunch of cards, which is why I tend to buy singles and trade rather than open boosters.
However, a couple of nice cards, a trade for a card I needed and a new zombie lord and I'm fairly happy overall.
Next week I dip my bread into the Tiny Leader fondue.
Until then may your dragons not feel Sarkhan's Rage :)
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